ex-Sur le chemin du travail... et au delà

"Just a plain hobbit you look," said Bilbo. "But there is more about you now than appears on the surface. Good luck to you!".
J.R.R. Tolkien, Lord of the Rings

Monday, August 27, 2007

En six jours

On crée un jardinet, complet, avec fleurs et buissons. Ce que c'est que le progrès. On ne l'arrête pas...


Unknown said...

Ben oui, faut se depecher avant la Chmittah

Comment vont les bebes, et leur mere ?

Tamar Orvell said...

While I love seeing these pictures, I can't stand reminding myself how little French I remember after EIGHT years "learning" the language. Of course, you would be the blogging queen of Talpiot, Derech Chevron, Kiryat Moriah, and beyond! Wonderful.


PS Who is Claude? I "know" a blogging Claude, in Paris, at this address: http://blogginginparis.com/

PPS Is the blog name something like "On the way to work and beyond?"

Esther said...

La maman et les bébés vont bien;

Claude is a dear friend living in Germany. She comes to Israel tzice a year in general. Please come to Jerusalem next time you're in Israel.